How to remove a bad memory!

How to remove a bad memory!

Did you know, that there is a way to remove a bad memory, and replace it with different pictures?

I will tell you how you can do this yourself, in a moment. 

Our subconscious mind, don`t know the difference between the past, future and the the present moment. That`s the reason you will have a negative reaction. You  feel it in your body, and feel awfull when you talk about a past experience that maybe broke your heart. Or even gave you some sort of trauma.

The brain remember the picture, and thinks that this is happening NOW! Thats why you will feel bad, even tho you are safe, and this is a past experience.

It could also be that you don`t want to talk about this episode, but then the famous triggers appears. It could be in a scent, a sound or someone that reminds you of the person that did you wrong. 

Then the brain will send you the same old pictures. You start to think about it, at then feel bad, scared or just in a bad mood.

What we think creates what we feel, and what we feel can lead us to take (sometimes) unnecessary action. Or even worse, NO action.

If there is a memory that made you feel insecure, and less confident. That feeling can grow with you into your adult life and hinder you, from reaching your full potensial.

We all have so much we can do with our life, to create the life we want to live. But old experiences can stop us, from actually take action. Some times you are aware, and other times its all in the subconscious mind. 

You can remove that bad memory

Yes you can, and it is a simple and easy to understand practise. In some cases you have to try several times, because the practise demands some focusing and visualisation. But the good news is that for each time you try, you will get better and better.

You will still know the truth..

When you decide that you no longer want to be defined by this old feeling, that sabotage your growth.Then your change can begin.

You will still know the truth! But since the subconscious mind dont understand time, and thinks in pictures. You will receive other images when triggered. 

So when you have done this exersice, and you are out and about. Suddendly you might see someone that look like "the girl that bullied you".

Then your brain will send you a different mental image, that is the picture you created in the exersice. Since we have from 12.000 to 60.000 thoughts in a day, you will not have a emotianal reaction to the new image. Your natural filter system, will hardly give it any attention. 

So then you will continue your day, feeling good. You moved on, not stuck anymore in those old feelings. 

You will find this exersice in the shop ( self-development) You can download the practice, and start today. I will guide you through it, or you can choose to do it at your own pace in the downloadable pdf.

Good luck!

And if you want to continue your growth, i will reccomend to try hypnosis. Then you will get an instant boost, to rebuild the confidence towards all your goals and desires in life.



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